Lymph Drainage The medical concept of treatment of a disease or clinical complaint involves interfering in affected pathophysiology with the aim of reverting it back to normal conditions.

The Godoy International School of Lymphatic Therapy (lymph drainage) was developed by the Angiologist and Vascular Surgeon Jose Maria Pereira de Godoy and the Occupational Therapist Maria de Fátima Guerreiro Godoy. Both are professors of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Course of the Medicine School in São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP) and of the Clínica Godoy and creators of the Godoy & Godoy Method of Lymphedema Therapy.
The first account about this new concept of Lymphatic Therapy (lymph drainage) was published 20 years ago in 1997. This technique, based on modern scientific concepts with reproducible results using in vitro, in vivo and clinical models, has changed the concepts around the world and now offers a new therapeutic approach based on current medical concepts.
In order to understand the new method better, it is necessary to comprehend the pathophysiology of lymphedema. Lymphedema is defined as a clinical condition that leads to the accumulation of macromolecules in the interstitial space of tissues resulting in a retention of fluids. The cause is a failure of the lymphatic system to form and drain lymph.
The medical concept of treatment of a disease or clinical complaint involves interfering in affected pathophysiology with the aim of reverting it back to normal conditions. Thus, the Godoy & Godoy method of Lymphatic Therapy (lymph drainage) is based on the medical concept of therapy, thus aiming to reduce the lymphedema significantly in all situations.
Access this article that reports the scientific evolution of the technique:
-Evolution of Godoy & Godoy manual lymph drainage. Technique with linear Movements-https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5662915/